A bittersweet Switzerland stay

Don’t get me wrong. I love Switzerland, I really do. After all, Switzerland was the first European country I visited, fell in love with, and I will always have fond memories for. Also, my recent quick 2-day visit to postcard land was great to see old friends and to celebrate my birthday in the best style I could think of.

With all that said, it was a tad hard to be in the hometown of my host family from last year knowing that my dear friend (and host family member) Jurg had taken his life just a couple months prior. I grew to honesty love the town of Maienfled because of the wonderful person it had grown- Jurg.

The moment I stepped into my rental car, the first song that was on was one that Jurg introduced me to. The moment I drove by Jurg’s farm on the interstate, I felt his sense of passion to be a big farmer and move up in the world. And the moment I left Switzerland, I dreamt that Jurg was happy at that moment with whatever he was up to.

Like I said, I love and still will love Switzerland. Just one very important, and wonderful part is gone for me. But I know I can find more to love!

After driving on the second most beautiful stretch of land on earth (second to the road to my farm) to Landquart, Switzerland from Zurich, I arrived to Plantahof University. There, I waited roughly 15 minutes for the U of M to arrive and to see some smiling familiar faces. After greeting everyone, I invited myself to have lunch with the group since I had been up since 4 am that morning without any breakfast or lunch. The food didn’t disappoint, especially since it was from Planthoff.

I originally wanted to go on the afternoon farm tour they had planned with them, but I opted to have a five hour nap instead. One word. GLORIOUS. After my behemoth of a nap, we hit the bars and more importantly, Café Dianna. Café Dianna was the bar we went to frequently in Switzerland last year and enjoyed some of the best times of my life. Here, we drank Calanda and had Jagg bombs by the multiple handfuls. I was set. I should change my blog title to eat, sleep, smile, and drink J

The coolest farmer's market ever! They had a five piece band for shopping music! 

Loving the vast farmer's market! 

Our rental car, Simone. Her name is from last year's car and the lady at the Hertz counter's name was Simone. She gave me 25% off since it was my birthday! 

Potato ravioli in Chur with a walnut butter sauce. 

 The next morning we headed to Chur for a local farmers’ market and to see the sight. I love this town so much.  Next, we went tobogganing on the same mountain that I went on last year with Jurg and Meg. Hint to self: don’t wear a dress on this! Everyone at the bottom of the mountain gets a show!

Upon the end of this we spilt from the rest of the group to stay in Zurich for the evening. We met up with Stefan, the tour guide’s son and birthday host extraordinaire. Right after a long nap again, we hit the fun part of Zurich for its nice night life and great food. The fun to be had is mainly along the river in the “old world” part of town, by the way.

Ravioli with tomatoes basil sauce. This is what the gods. eat. 

Salmon pasta with a wine cream sauce. Notice wine is before cream? That means there is more win than cream. Oh yea. 

Who doesn't like Tiramisu? Crazy people. 

Zurich :) 

The classiest McD's I have ever seen. 

A pretty jazzy McD's breakfast. No iced coffee, right Megan Herberg? 
 The next day we were off to the Zurich train station only to be confused by the birds, the transfer boards, and the intense smell of body odor. C’mon people, shower!

After a 5 hour train ride to Luxembourg through the rough parts of France, we made it to where my cousin John lives! Can’t wait to spend time with great family, food, and booze for the next days in Germany!
The Zurich train station 

Jacob looking confused with his mouth open and thinking of course . 


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